3 Easy Ways to Build a Powerful Facebook Custom Audience


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From a marketer’s perspective, there’s no channel quite like Facebook. In fact, to simply call it a ‘channel’ is to undersell it quite a bit. It’s a marketplace, a social network, a robust data aggregator and so much more.

But, having said that, what’s important for an e-commerce (Amazon-centric) brand is getting the right message to the right customers at the right time. The challenge many face is being able to even communicate to their customers at all.

Let’s solve that problem.

Below I’ve identified 3 quick and seamless-implemented ways to build Facebook custom audiences (of your customers). I’m partial to leveraging this data to not only deliver highly relevant and impactful ads – but also to initiate ManyChat flows. ManyChat is a massive leap in digital marketing evolution that provides sophisticated marketers means of engaging, selling and supporting customers in a completely new way. As it’s difficult to describe Facebook succinctly, it’s equally challenging to try to sum up the potential and possibilities with ManyChat.

It’s simply that powerful.

So, with that, let’s make sure you know how to build your Facebook audiences in no time at all.

1. Product Inserts

The first interaction (or impression) your customer has with your product or packaging is a great way to initiate more action. There is a psychological aspect to this in terms of a customer rationalizing the energy they are expending to directly interact with your product (and indirectly with your brand). So this should open up your mind to creative approaches to initiate next steps.

Product inserts are a great way to leverage this interaction and direct a customer with a clear objective in mind. It also has a few fringe benefits (as opposed to packaging) of being more malleable AND removable (in worse case scenarios). The flexibility inserts provide is something you should leverage. A/B testing is a great way to iron out top performing copy, offers, etc. But, for simplicity’s sake, let’s ensure your objective remains straightforward and builds you a potentially lucrative Facebook custom audience.

Anker utilizes product inserts (to great effect) to provide support and to achieve clear objectives.

Learn more about how Anker has pioneered product inserts here.

What this could quite easily look like for a more direct ask is utilizing a QR code to easily capture/display information.

Another option to consider is linking (ideally with a short, succinct link) to a site, landing page or ManyChat flow. Consider using a domain or link such as YOURBRANDloyalty.com , YOURBRANDgift.com or YOURBRANDwarranty.com. Simplicity is key here.

Either aforementioned option could standalone but is often best served with some amount of incentive, savings or offer. Put yourself to the test – would you complete the steps you’re asking of your customer?

Always remember that customers love a good deal and there is an implicit halo effect (if you’ve delivered on the buying experience) for them to want to interact and engage with you more. Use this to your advantage to capture emails and other pertinent information for creating your Facebook custom audience.

NOTE: Facebook has announced the phasing out of scanning messenger codes effective August 15, 2019 (read more here). In the short term this has implications but it’s also a sign of a continual moving target. This reinforces, with product inserts (and packaging in general), that you’ll want to keep this in mind for bulk orders and the potential for ongoing changes and what’s allowed/compliant.

2. Zapier

Zapier is the Swiss Army Knife in the digital space and its power has never been more evident in the e-commerce space. When it comes to automation it stands far above the rest, and the same holds true when it comes to pulling and pushing customer data for Facebook audience creation and management.

The quickest way to leverage Zapier for this purpose is as simple as these 3 steps:

  1. Make an ‘offline conversion’ in your FB ad manager
  2. Set up a custom audience based upon that offline conversion
  3. Create a zap in Zapier and point it to that offline conversion

Simple as that. Now let’s unpack each step (with some visuals) so this process is made crystal clear.

Make your offline conversion in FB Manager. (Measure & Report > Events Manager > Offline Events)

Set up a custom audience based upon that offline conversion.

Make a zap in Zapier and point it to that offline conversion.

  1. Triggers once each day
  2. Use a formatting step to refine your date to match Facebook’s input requirements
  3. Action: Seller.Tools > ListOrders
  4. Facebook Offline conversion

The beauty of leveraging Zapier is the automation. Set it and forget it. For those that really safeguard their time it’s a no brainer to tap into Zapier and invest while the return is so lopsided in your favor!

Pro Tip: If you’re already using ManyChat to run giveaways, you can target those users to purchase your product again using the seamless ManyChat integration with Facebook Ads! Learn more about creating Facebook Custom Audiences from ManyChat here.

3. SimplyMatch

SimplyMatch is an awesome resource that is unparalleled in its ability to match your Amazon order information to real customer emails. It opens a world of possibilities when you can more directly interact and engage with your customers for any slew of objectives.

There isn’t quite as much to unpack here as SimplyMatch makes this process seamless. You simply download your Amazon order reports and then SimplyMatch will process, match and allow you to export all emails matched with that particular customers order.

Source: simplymatch.co

It’s as simple as that.

Upload the matched emails to Facebook as a new custom audience. Just keep in mind if you’re uploading vast amounts of orders or a few months of sales history this will take some time. But goes without saying it well worth the wait.

You now have a laser-focused Facebook custom audience based on your real Amazon customer data.

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