A Unique Way to Net $100k with Amazon FBA


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There’s a number of ways to ‘arbitrage’ value and turn it into profit using FBA (or fulfillment by Amazon).

One of the most overlooked ways to do that is by creating your very own Amazon FBA Agency.

An agency geared towards recommending and deploying Amazon optimization techniques on behalf of your clients.

With the massive influx of 3P (private label) sellers into the space there is no shortage of need and desire for this type of expertise.

Now you may be asking yourself “Am I an FBA expert?”

And the answer doesn’t necessarily have to be a definitive yes.

Let me explain why.

The learning curve for mastering Amazon FBA is actually pretty short if you focus on the highest value activities.

It boils down to product, ranking and reviews.

An Amazon seller that focuses just on these 3 things will absolutely crush the competition. Because the reality is the abundance of content (instead of action) and shiny object syndrome (looking for the next big thing) bogs down countless sellers and brands.

It’s unfortunate, but it’s a reality that presents an opportunity for you to take full advantage of.

Not only that, as an FBA agency you’re not in the weeds as many sellers are day in and day out.

You don’t have to run a business A-Z.

Instead you can go deeper on a few key, high impact areas while also being insulated from Amazon volatility

So getting back to creating your FBA Agency…

I’m going to share with you what you can focus on to start an FBA Agency in a few days if not weeks – you’ll note I’ve included the approximate time needed for each step. The process is simple.

1. Create a web presence – a simple website will do (1 hour)

Nothing complicated here. Get your domain and begin building your site.

A simple template for consultants will do (check this one out from Wix). As you’re working to build social proof and authority you can focus on the scale of opportunity on Amazon and how your services directly add value.

You can even use Amazon specific stats to hammer this point home. (Examples here)

In terms of positioning your services start with where you offer the most, unique value.

In point #3 we will cover how you obtain expert-level knowledge fast but you can build your website with this in mind.

I highly recommend you write blog articles from what you know OR learn by utilizing tools.

Think about content that’s focused on Hacks (immediate results), How To’s or Common Mistakes.

While creating articles isn’t essential it’s an easy way to share value while getting your name out there. Plus the content can be the ‘why’ and you can deliver the ‘how’

2. Update your Facebook account so people know exactly who you are and what you do (and what you can offer) (15 minutes)

Update your place of work, position and ideally your Facebook cover so it can’t be missed. Create a separate Facebook account if you want to keep personal and business separate.

3. Get tool-specific knowledge and insight (quickly become an ‘expert’) (1 hour)

Spend a solid hour (no distractions) in Seller.Tools and utilize ‘Learn’ videos to know exactly how to use the most advanced tools in an Amazon business.

This is going to be invaluable given that tools will save YOUR time while giving you disproportionate results.

4. Join Amazon FBA communities on Facebook (30 minutes)

Be selective here trying to find communities with advanced sellers and higher level strategies. The ability to directly engage with some of the most successful sellers on the daily is awesomely powerful. Take full advantage of this ease of communication and insight.

5. Provide insane value in posts, answers and support (15 minutes daily)

Don’t just look to get – try to add value to the facebook communities you join and be open about your journey, process, etc. Use your tool specific knowledge and share insights from one community into another (as long as it’s valuable!).

If you keep your ear to the ground you’ll be as equally surprised that insightful, valuable content is actually easy to share by virtue of much of the readily available sometimes just being white noise. This is somewhat to be expected – most of the successful Amazon sellers aren’t necessarily creating detailed content sharing their advanced strategies as they are too busy building their businesses. And yes, to a degree, for the purpose of self preservation. ?

Additionally, what’s often popular or what makes up the majority can’t be the #successfulfew.

The numbers just don’t work out that way.

It’s why you should constantly aim to…


Use this reality to your advantage.

Both in content creation/sharing and how you run your (FBA) business.

6. Optional: Create a client-attracting LinkedIn presence (Optional 1 hour)

LinkedIn is a powerful, high-leverage channel where professionals congregate. That’s exactly where you may find your first client.

What are ways to get noticed?

Use your blog content. Make it clear who you are and what you do.

Display liberal of use knowledge. Share other valuable content from thought leaders and add your feedback, opinions, questions, etc.

There are more advanced strategies with LinkedIn you can deploy as well but I would recommend treating it similarly to Facebook. Create and share content and engage consistently.

7. Send free value liberally and often (30 minutes)

Remember Step #3?

Apply your expertise and share it liberally. With tangible resources.

This can include…

Sending a free keyword report by exporting high TSI+ keywords*

*Reiterate this is one of the only ways they will find real-time Amazon making keyword prioritization a breeze!

Add your potential clients ASINs to your Seller.Tools account and configure Alerts. Won’t you look amazing when you can notify them of keyword rank/index changes, review eligibility issues, listing changes and more almost as soon as they happen? You’ll look that much better than the next guy.

Export Competitor Builder results from ST to identify competition and share insights from a competitive review/performance.

Create a brand audit for opportunities to capture frequently bought together, cross-promotion, etc. Or even.

Create a listing audits from using Listing Manager in ST to spot where keywords are missing or not placed with the proper weight. (more here)

And the list goes on.

Tangible resources provide immense value that is quantifiable for your soon-to-be clients.

8. Create no-lose scenarios for clients

Offer immense value upfront with no catches. Limit the scope of work (ex: single listing) so any abuse can be mitigated.

Remember – you’ve already shared expert-level value and insight so you can hope to realize goodwill on your soon-to-be clients part.

Additionally, consider doing work for your first client for free in exchange for a testimonial. This serves to help you dial in your processes while getting the needed feedback AND social proof.

9. Charge your clients what makes sense (fixed fee vs. rev share)

This is often where you can bog yourself down.

Charge only what is fair based on your expertise of where you’re adding value and don’t be overly promissory.

However, I’m acutely aware as a software provider of how underutilized the best tools can be.

You can literally safeguard a multi-million dollar business from malicious Amazon activity by spending 15 minutes setting up Alerts.

One of their listings going down even for a few hours can have 5 to 6-figure implications.

That value cannot be understated.

I’d recommend a fixed fee (ex: $3k/mo) in the early stages and for your first clients and as you grow and scale consider a revenue share model that has all parties pushing for the best performance.

Fixed fee has the advantage of being static and ideally would have all parties aligned from the outset. With no changes (or volatility) everyone can move forward feeling comfortable and confident in the relationship.

10. Automate everything (2.5 Hours)

Here’s where your tool-specific knowledge and expertise comes into play again.

Automate keyword research, competitive analysis, ongoing reporting, Keyword/ASIN Alerts, ManyChat flows, API integrations and more.

Need a primer to make sure you understand the API and advanced seller tools? Read more here

Also, stay tapped into our ‘Technical Thursdays’ (here on the Seller.Tools FB page) where we dive into advanced automation strategies weekly.

And don’t think you have to this all at once.

You can automate one area of your client business each week and give them an update.

Show them the time they would need to do something similar and the immense ROI they are realizing by using you as a resource.

When you’re able to begin replacing employees and potentially even entire teams (yes, this is possible) they’ll look at their investment in you as a no-brainer.

Rinse & Repeat!

Now you have a process to kick off your FBA Agency.

You’re ready to leverage resources and arbitrage value while delivering an immense ROI for your clients.

The same steps I’ve outlined to allow you to earn and clients will be what you deploy to deliver them immense value. From staying tapped into the latest trends and insights to leveraging the tools and strategies of top sellers.

Simply repeat and refine this process over time to bring in more accounts and increase your value.

So what are your thoughts? Are you ready to start your own FBA Agency?

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