API 101


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Recently, Seller.Tools rolled out full API integration through Zapier. This is a HUGE update – it essentially unlocks all of the powerful, actionable insights you get from your Seller.Tools data and allows them to inform other parts of your business’s operations automatically!

It can be a bit daunting to jump into the world of what you can do with APIs, but that’s why we’re here! We’re breaking down everything you need to know to get automation off the ground with Seller.Tools API integration – and how you can save infinite time through automation with Zapier. Before you know it, you’ll be automating like the pros.

What are APIs?

APIs (Application Programming Indexes) most fundamentally act as connections between different web applications, and allow different apps and websites to share information – essentially allowing your apps to talk to each other.

APIs are like doors between your apps and information sources, which is why it’s so important to protect your API keys. These keys give other users or apps the ability to access all of your information for a given application. It’s okay to share with trusted users, employees, and applications; but try to avoid posting them as a Facebook status or sending them in a mass email.

How can I start using APIs?

The easiest way for beginners to start using the power of APIs right away is by exploring Zapier, a powerful tool that connects over 1,000 web apps. Before Zapier, it took hours of custom coding between two apps to create an API integration. Now, that framework is built for you – you can jump right into setting up exactly what you’d like to accomplish, saving hours upon hours of setup and maintenance. Learn more about getting started with Zapier and some of the common language you’ll need to understand here.

Source: https://zapier.com/help/what-is-zapier

What is a webhook?

A webhook is a way for an app to provide other applications with real-time information. By leveraging the power of Zapier, an action in Seller.Tools can trigger THOUSANDS of actions across the web.

This is especially powerful when you integrate Seller.Tools Alerts and Webhooks by Zapier. Set up a Seller.Tools Alert and automatically initiate how ads are displayed, customer outreach and communication, CS requests, and so much more – triggered solely by the activity on your listing.

Learn how to use webhooks with Seller.Tools in this video!

The Seller.Tools team is thrilled to be working with Zapier to bring you expert-level integration and automation! New applications are added daily to Zapier – it’s clear that your time investment in learning about API integrations is future-proof.

It’s never been easier to integrate the best Amazon data with every other app you already use to run your business. Learn more about integrating Zapier with your Seller.Tools account and access our expert-level resources here!

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