How To Fix Your Index Issues (Graphic)


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That’s how many sellers are finding themselves following the most recent Amazon update that is, in most cases, adversely impacting index and rank status.

Fold in a bit of misinformation and misunderstanding spreading like wildfire and if you’ve got all the makings of mass confusion.

The ‘old’ method of ASIN + Keyword for index visibility has proven to be unreliable if not unpredictable. Unfortunately, sellers are left without visibility and assurance when using this manual method (or tools still using this method).

Rest assured! We’ve got you covered.

From insights into billions of keywords that we actively manage here at Seller.Tools we can give you practical steps to make sure you know exactly how to fix your index issues once and for all.

Check out (and SHARE) this nifty graphic we put together for you.

If you found this helpful be sure to SHARE.

With Index 2.0 you can have confidence in Seller.Tools capturing the most relevant data points for index visibility – even (and especially) accounting for the shifting tides of Amazon.

Be sure to check out these relevant links within Seller Central that can help navigate the do’s and don’ts:

Restricted Products

Optimize Listings for Search

Product Detail Page Rules

With index issues resolved you can quickly move on to focusing on relevancy and rank to crush the competition!

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