Search Volume is Gone?! What it Means for Amazon Sellers


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The oft-used means to capture real Amazon traffic data is no longer available. This adversely impacts visibility into both traffic and relevancy (direct from Amazon).

Of course, this has broad implications as many tools and platforms on the market leverage this very resource to begin touting real Amazon traffic data. This even includes tools who dubiously used ‘other’ traffic sources (Bing, Google, etc.) to display what was to be interpreted as Amazon traffic data. They slowly caught on to this resource and are now as equally impacted by this change.

From a Seller.Tools perspective this does also include Relevancy % as an Amazon provided metric. As many users have come to expect the freshest traffic and relevancy data available anywhere this may seem like quite a blow. Nevertheless, the Seller.Tools team was aware this resource may not be available and began planning the necessary steps to equal the sophistication and nuance of the unmatched data once made available.

Woman shocked at laptop in kitchen

The confusion and somewhat failed attempts to interpret this abrupt change has been obvious. Even questioning the utility of the Amazon driven/provided metric of Relevancy. At Seller.Tools, it was crucial to add the layer of our unmatched insights of executing thousands of launches (via Last Launch) to deep dive into the analysis of this Amazon-metric. As minimally insightful anecdotal feedback is shared we continue to have a concern of the lack of data supported insights at scale. However, it’s understood this is very difficult to achieve – to even meet the low bar of a suitable sample set to test (undoubtedly requiring Seller.Tools access and data). It’s in our interest to share this for those vigilant to find the truth and constantly aware of potential misinformation in our ever-changing space.

Our core objective at Seller.Tools is prioritizing the ongoing task of mapping and corroborating existing Amazon datapoints. We are extremely careful not to generate proprietary datapoints as sellers rightfully should view such data with an immense degree of cynicism. With Amazon data at the top of the heap the avoidable concession is simply to heavy and obvious for you to rely on a platforms failed attempted(s) at providing (the most) informative datapoints.

What can you expect from Seller.Tools next?

As more and more tools get far too cozy and even overtly market using words like ‘estimates’ (insert nails on chalkboard) we will continue to obsess over the source. The expectations required to create 8-figure brands will continue to show up in the Seller.Tools platform.

Further, the extensive list of exclusive Seller.Tools features will continue to grow. We are cognizant more than ever of the potential of commoditized (‘me-too’) features in our space and whether it’s ReviewAble, TSI, AMZ Report Card, Automatic Keyword Harvesting, Auto/Accurate Index Check, R2A with Cascade (the ONLY reverse ASIN tool capturing variations) and more you can count on (in most cases the only) tools meeting the expectations of top sellers.

Seriously, run an R2A search (with Cascade) to find how much impactful data you may be missing (as much as 25%!) from using other reverse ASIN tools that are unable to capture variations, hidden listings and more!

We will continue to put Amazon data in the forefront leveraging not only the sophistication of our current tools/features but the expertise of our team. In truth, we are excited about this hard reset as it levels the playing field – even for platforms who have been around for years well ahead of Seller.Tools. It always stings when you lose a key feature that offers such a clear competitive advantage. But in the end it will require the best to rise to challenge and we look forward to what’s ahead.

These major changes have zero impact on the Seller.Tools roadmap and the upcoming feature additions you can expect to see soon.

UPDATE: NEW features leveraging Amazon data have already been included back in the Seller.Tools platform including TSI+ and Pulse!

If you’re not a Seller.Tools user yet, we encourage you to leverage each and every exclusive feature right now!

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